Monday, December 10, 2018

Fuck Ticketmaster

I just bought tickets to a show and in order to get tickets I had to navigate past a ticket insurance offer that wouldn’t let me leave the payment page without selecting an option to buy/not buy ticket insurance, uncheck a box giving me $100 free for a wineclub, confirm that I didn’t want discounts from a different wine club, stitch fix, or wayfair, order my tickets, refuse to be contacted by Royal Caribbean Cruises as I’d “been selected for free tickets” and then tell the website that I didn’t want coupons for shaving products.
You know what, motherfuckers, TicketWeb may have gotten hacked and exposed a bunch of customer data but I still prefer that to Livenation integrating ads into the fabric of their website such that you can’t actually purchase tickets without having to significantly interact with seven different ads in a three minute visit. (All while paying about $30 in “convenience” fees! If I’m paying you more than the cost of a single ticket in venue and convenience and licensing fees you shouldn’t be allowed to show me ads!)
So basically it’s the same story that it was fifteen years ago.
Sincerely, and from the bottom of my heart:

Fuck You, Ticketmaster.

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