Thank you, @wordcubed for this opportunity to yell, and @pagan-socialism for the gift of knowing that this wikipedia page exists.
First off here’s the link to the page shown above. It’s pure gold and full of things that make you want to cry-laugh (though major trigger warnings for racism, homophobia, anti-blackness, antisemitism and what can only be described as an attempted lynching). Some highlights:
- Bands often promote ethnic European paganism, occultism, or Satanism. Hendrik Möbus of Absurd described Nazism as the “most perfect (and only realistic!) synthesis of Satanic/Luciferian will to power, elitist Social Darwinism, connected to Aryan Germanic paganism”.
- Typically NSBM musicians regard Christianity as a product of an alleged Jewish conspiracy to undermine the Aryan race by eliminating their Artglauben and their “original” culture
- Also, some non-political Satanic black metal musicians hold pagan bands in contempt, and do not recognize them as black metal because their lyrics and ideology do not include Satanism. (This isn’t exactly about white supremacy and I don’t see it as problematic, this is just an excellent example of how prevalent the no-true-scotsman attitude is in Metal and you can see how that sort of worldview can lead to wider problems)
- Although Pierce appreciated the ideological mindset of NSBM and Resistance Records, as well as the financial gains, the music did not personally appeal to him, and he attacked the “sex, drugs & rock'n'roll” and what he called “negroid” influences.
- Benjamin Hedge Olson writes that the shunning of Nazism within the scene “has nothing to do with notions of a ‘universal humanity’ or a rejection of hate” but that Nazism is shunned “because its hatred is too specific and exclusive” (again an illustration that there might be some fallout from a scene that has a problem with Nazism not because it’s hatred but because it isn’t general enough hatred).
“However, because of the fact that (pagan magicians) had to start from scratch, most of what they saw was an illusion, and most of their theories were wrong. In the process they discovered some healthy, timeless and universal truths though, and these truths we should all wholeheartedly embrace. They really saw and understood what is good for mankind, what is essential and what is right, like eugenics, and all of this, my dear reader, is what makes up modern Paganism.”FUCK Varg Vikernes. (Also, reminder, this is the guy who burned down a couple of churches and stabbed someone 27 times because they disagreed about politics.)
But overall I’m glad this wikipedia page exists because A) it referred me to a book that I’m probably going to read about white supremacy and paganism in the US, B) it provided me with a list of bands to not support, and C) it introduced me to Resistance Records, a record company that y’all should avoid like the plague because holy shit, they sell a First Person Shooter game called “Ethnic Cleansing” that I’m not going to discuss because it is AWFUL but I will discuss that it had a sequel called “White Law” where the player is an ex police officer who was fired for their views who spends the game shooting minorities and journalists. Fuck I’m going to have to make a whole separate effortpost about how awful Resistance Records is, please don’t look them up because every single link gets sadder and worse and I’ll tidy that up so reading about it isn’t pure fucking trauma.
Also, just to be utterly, sparklingly, crystal clear, it is the position of this blog (and all my other blogs) that anyone who forwards the “Jewish Conspiracy” rhetoric about the media, banking, entertainment, or anything else up to and including the creation of Christianity, is either A) staggeringly misinformed about the world and needs to be immediately corrected with facts and an explanation of why this sort of rhetoric is antisemitic and dangerous or B) dangerously antisemitic and to be avoided as a threat to your safety and denied a platform to protect the rights and the safety of Jewish folks.
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