Hey, so I’ve seen this floating around a bit and decided it’s time for another chat about metal.
“Varg Vikernes” is one of those names that makes metal look bad. He was a huge influence on Norwegian Black Metal. He was also convicted of stabbing another musician 23 times and spent 16 years in prison for murder, and he was convicted of burning down a bunch of churches and stealing a bunch of explosives that he supposedly planned to use to blow up an Anti-Facist squat in Bergen.
Oh yeah he’s also a pretty hardcore Odinist/Neo-Pagan/White Supremacist and neo-Nazi.
The quote up above came from an interview with Death Metal Underground (DeathMetal.Org) and the full quote goes like this: “I think black metal is just a expression and (for fans) appreciation of the despair most men feel from living in a world that is not built for them. When you grow up, so to speak, or perhaps just grow wiser (many young men are wise too), you move on and instead of whining about the world we live in you do something about it instead. Black metal has woken up many good anti-Jewish Pagan Europeans and has thus lead them on the right course.”
Incidentally DeathMetal.Org has an article up right now bitching about the NYT calling Vikernes part of the Alt-Right. I think this is where I’m supposed to make some kind of joke about being cucked by the Gray Lady but for real NYT don’t soften this shit - when you’re discussing a convicted murderer who has burned churches and makes no move to hide or minimize his xenophobic, anti-Semitic, incredibly racist views you don’t have to use “Alt-Right,” you can just straight-up call him a neo-Nazi; he isn’t the “environmentalist” arm of the “Alt-Right,” he’s a neo-Nazi survivalist who sees non-whites as inhuman invaders.
Look, black metal is already a bit strange because of its connections to theistic satanism - the fact that there’s a schism because this jackwad went with Odinistic nationalism instead of satanic nihilism is a headfuck. Metalheads are weird sad people, and I get it, a lot of us look at the quote above and go “yeah, I feel you bro, this world is really unaccepting of my pervasive sadness and inability to heal from overwhelming depression.” It’s a huge part of the reason that goths and metaheads and punks get into their favorite bands and subgenres - the validation that comes from hearing a kick-ass growler who’s sad about the same things that you are. But it’s really important to point out the context is sometimes that these musicians are sad that refugees are being given entry to their countries, or that Afro-Brazilians are criticizing colorism, or that they have to tolerate living next to gay neighbors.
Black metal and death metal aren’t my sub-genres of choice so I don’t know a hell of a lot about the alternatives out there that are not nazis but Mystifier and Book of Sand might be a good place to start.
ALSO, heads up, Death Metal Underground is racist as *all fuck* (check out their hilarious censorship tag for a great look at what racists think censorship means) and their white supremacist asses need to permanently remove Slayer from their FAQ because I don’t think Kerry King would much approve of being included among DMU’s spiritual guides.
Anyway. Metal continues to be Problematic™ but for real check sources, research bands, and don’t allow nazis into your spaces.
“Varg Vikernes” is one of those names that makes metal look bad. He was a huge influence on Norwegian Black Metal. He was also convicted of stabbing another musician 23 times and spent 16 years in prison for murder, and he was convicted of burning down a bunch of churches and stealing a bunch of explosives that he supposedly planned to use to blow up an Anti-Facist squat in Bergen.
Oh yeah he’s also a pretty hardcore Odinist/Neo-Pagan/White Supremacist and neo-Nazi.
The quote up above came from an interview with Death Metal Underground (DeathMetal.Org) and the full quote goes like this: “I think black metal is just a expression and (for fans) appreciation of the despair most men feel from living in a world that is not built for them. When you grow up, so to speak, or perhaps just grow wiser (many young men are wise too), you move on and instead of whining about the world we live in you do something about it instead. Black metal has woken up many good anti-Jewish Pagan Europeans and has thus lead them on the right course.”
Incidentally DeathMetal.Org has an article up right now bitching about the NYT calling Vikernes part of the Alt-Right. I think this is where I’m supposed to make some kind of joke about being cucked by the Gray Lady but for real NYT don’t soften this shit - when you’re discussing a convicted murderer who has burned churches and makes no move to hide or minimize his xenophobic, anti-Semitic, incredibly racist views you don’t have to use “Alt-Right,” you can just straight-up call him a neo-Nazi; he isn’t the “environmentalist” arm of the “Alt-Right,” he’s a neo-Nazi survivalist who sees non-whites as inhuman invaders.
Look, black metal is already a bit strange because of its connections to theistic satanism - the fact that there’s a schism because this jackwad went with Odinistic nationalism instead of satanic nihilism is a headfuck. Metalheads are weird sad people, and I get it, a lot of us look at the quote above and go “yeah, I feel you bro, this world is really unaccepting of my pervasive sadness and inability to heal from overwhelming depression.” It’s a huge part of the reason that goths and metaheads and punks get into their favorite bands and subgenres - the validation that comes from hearing a kick-ass growler who’s sad about the same things that you are. But it’s really important to point out the context is sometimes that these musicians are sad that refugees are being given entry to their countries, or that Afro-Brazilians are criticizing colorism, or that they have to tolerate living next to gay neighbors.
Black metal and death metal aren’t my sub-genres of choice so I don’t know a hell of a lot about the alternatives out there that are not nazis but Mystifier and Book of Sand might be a good place to start.
ALSO, heads up, Death Metal Underground is racist as *all fuck* (check out their hilarious censorship tag for a great look at what racists think censorship means) and their white supremacist asses need to permanently remove Slayer from their FAQ because I don’t think Kerry King would much approve of being included among DMU’s spiritual guides.
Anyway. Metal continues to be Problematic™ but for real check sources, research bands, and don’t allow nazis into your spaces.
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