Now that that’s over, on to the complicated shit:
The imagery now irrevocably associated with the third reich isn’t from any part of the AFI site, it’s from Havok’s clothing brand site, Eat Your Own Tail. Here is a post from Havok’s instagram linking to EYOT for those who weren’t sure if there was any association:
Here’s a fun screenshot of some images on the EYOT IG. Please note the progression from folks in pointed robes to a stylized version of a rune associated with nazis to a burning church (chronologically how the images would have been posted on IG). If this isn’t intentional it’s fucking dense:
Oh, and hey, to the person who claimed that the wolves wrestling was an ouroboros they maybe need to look at the title of the brand: eat YOUR OWN tail - two wolves gnawing on each other isn’t an old pagan symbol, though yes, an ouroboros is (as is three hares, but I don’t see that either).
The two wolves *might* be Geri and Freki which kind of only makes it more ambiguous because Odinism is kind of fucking overflowing with white supremacists. Is this heathenry? Is this Ásatrú? Is this generic neopaganism? If so where’s Odin’s Horn and Thor’s Hammer and the Valknut? And for that matter if this is generic neopaganism where are the spirals, triskeles, and stars?
Oh, and hey, to the person who said “w/e, so what, Xtrmist was violent but also punched nazis” I’ll point you specifically to the line “Delineate between the breeds and mine will set the fires.” Because that’s not really so violent. It’s just, you know, hard to interpret in a way that *doesn’t* suggest Havok believes he’s part of a superior *breed.* Yeah, I know, it’s supposed to be about SxE, not race. Now look up there at the picture of the noose in front of a church. Now look at the picture of a church burning. Those *are* things associated with race and racism. When you combine those sorts of things with symbols associated with nazis then it looks less like you’re attempting to reclaim a symbol associated with your faith and more like maybe you don’t give much of a shit if black churches are more frequently burned in the US than white churches or that nooses in contemporary settings tend to be associated with lynchings.
Further points:
- Havok, why so many suicidal/murdered women on your brand’s IG?
- You can have a black friday special and call it “fuck black friday” and no one will bat an eye but when you’ve got a noose as one of the header images for your site calling your special the “anti black friday sale” is going to get some PRETTY SERIOUS eye-batting going on.
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