Tuesday, December 4, 2018

On Panera's fucking cookies

panera bread now sells a “gluten conscious monster nut cookie” bc my life wasn’t weird enough without customers asking me “can i get that monster nut” five times a day
Casual reminder that the gluten conscious cookies at Panera are not gluten free and Panera recommends that people with celiac, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and wheat allergies don’t eat the cookies because of their gluten content. These are cookies specifically made to profit off of clean eating scaremongering (the cookie can’t be a bad choice if it’s gluten free, ignore the sugar content!) while specifically NOT being safe for the only people who actually have to be gluten conscious.
it would be so easy to order cookies from a dedicated g-free facility and have them shipped prepackaged but noooooope; this is why I get concerned with the cut curb effect for gluten free foods, because this gluten conscious shit might actually make things more risky for people with these problems, see also all the g-free pizza that doesn’t get cooked on a separate rack or cut with different pizza cutters; it’s great that I can get more stuff at grocery stores than I could five years ago, but it’s actually getting worse at restaurants.

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